Recommendations to Assure Employees and Reduce Potential COVID-19 Impact

Print this checklist for easy reference.

Employee Communication

✔ Communicate existing workplace wellness, work-from-home, sick and PTO policies. Consider changes.

✔  Any employee or those with a family member showing signs of sickness must stay home. 

✔  If an employee COVID-19 case is confirmed, inform others but respect confidentiality.

✔  Identify minimum service required to function. Consider rotations.

 Business Continuity Planning

✔  Test work-from-home procedures and technology. 

✔  Develop strategies to conduct business without business travel for an extended period.

✔  Cross-train employees especially where you have a single point of failure.

 Supply Chain

✔  Evaluate potential interruption of any points of the supply chain.

✔ Ask suppliers to provide their continuity plans.

✔  Review contracts with key suppliers.

✔  Evaluate alternative vendors and suppliers. 

 Revenue Impact

✔  Develop plans for a 25%, 50% or 75% decrease in revenue.

✔ Review business disruption insurance for adequacy.

✔  Evaluate products, services, and markets for new revenue streams.

Physical Environment

✔  Provide on-site stock of sanitation supplies.

✔  Engage cleaning service for deep cleaning. 

✔  Train employees on best practices for employee contact and social distancing.

 Customer Impact

✔  Assess potential impact/delay to customer shipments/service.

✔ Communicate with customers whether or not you expect a service impact.


✔  Communicate often with your staff.

✔  Show concern but not panic.

✔  Take care of your employees first. 

✔  Lessons learned from the Great Recession.

Cash Position

✔  Evaluate your balance sheet and cash position.

✔  Reduce fixed or discretionary costs wherever possible.


Actions to Reduce Risk

(focus on items that are Urgent and Important)

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6.       ______________________________________________________________________________

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