Signs Of Executive Burnout - And What To Do About It
Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile from Pexels
When I start working with a new client, I frequently hear telltale signs that they are overworked, overwhelmed, and overcommitted. Most business owners feel stress, but when I hear phrases such as “it’s exhausting”, “I have to do everything” and “I’m so sick of it”, I know they are well on their way to burnout.
So what exactly is burnout? Burnout is a state of extreme mental, physical and emotional fatigue, caused by a prolonged period of heavy stress and pressure to keep going. Sufferers feel exhausted, empty, and unable to cope. Everyone is at risk for burnout, but recognizing the signs early means you can make the necessary changes before you hit that wall.
Here are some of the signs to watch out for:
Loss of appetite, intestinal distress, exhaustion, back pain, headaches, difficulty sleeping or broken sleep, increased illness
Feeling drained, overwhelmed, unable to cope. Poor control of emotions or emotional numbness. Withdrawal from family and friends. Poor choices - escaping through alcohol, drugs, excessive spending.
Cynicism, frustration, quick to anger, absenteeism, forgetfulness, inattention and clock-watching, low productivity, low creativity, general negative outlook, and low mood.
Increased emotional distance from colleagues, little/no social talk at work, avoidance of socializing outside of work.
So what should you do if you recognize any of these signs in yourself? Start by reducing stress. While stress is often an unavoidable part of life, it is essential to your wellbeing that you balance it with relaxation. In the same way that you strategize for the long-term success of your business, create a self-care strategy that you can incorporate into your daily routine. This will look different for everyone, and there is no right or wrong way to do this.
Some of the top ways to reduce burnout include:
Maintain a healthy diet
Regular exercise - the endorphins you’ll release are a serious stress-buster!
Set the stage for sleep - unwind with soft music in the evening, take a bath, light candles, diffuse essential oils - pamper yourself! Put away screens at least an hour before you plan to sleep.
Learn what recharges you - time with friends, your favorite movies, hobbies, walking the dog, reading the latest thriller - whatever it is, make time for it!
Schedule regular breaks from work - vacations and getaways give you something to look forward to, time with family or friends, and an essential break from work and daily life - here’s how to take a break guilt-free. Mini breaks throughout your day relieve stress and make you more productive - stretch, grab a coffee and take a little walk. Consider productivity hacks like time blocking.
Lean on your support system - ask family, friends, and colleagues for extra help while you need it. Delegate, and hold employees accountable at weekly meetings. If you have a mentor or coach, or a mastermind group like The Alternative Board, fall back on their support and advice to get you through this.
Burnout can happen to anyone, however much they love their work. With nearly half of all business owners working more than 40 hours a week, running a business means working a lot. In order to avoid burnout, it also means learning when and how to give yourself a break.
To learn more about this subject, check out this guide to reducing workplace stress and improving productivity.
Need help? Contact TAB today, and we’ll help you develop and execute a strategic plan that will help grow your business and put more life back into your work-life balance.